We are inviting papers and panel presentations dealing with conflicts and challenges to what the U.S. Army’s “Center for the Army Profession and its Ethic” (CAPE), as well as the Canadian Armed Forces’s Defence Ethics Programme (DEP), term the “professional military ethics” when engaged in cyber conflict in particular, as well as in other essential forms of military service that invoke the ethics of other professions and practices: e.g., medicine, law, teaching, clergy, etc.
In the case of cyber conflict, for example, what unique challenges does this form of conflict present for our “cyber warriors?” Ought there to be a new “Code of the Cyber Warrior” (as Information Technology expert, Dr. Dorothy Denning, once proposed) to address these unique challenges and conflicts? Does the confluence of kinetic conflict and intelligence activities in the cyber domain present any unique challenges or conflicts for the ethical standards of the military profession itself? How about in the practice of medicine, law, perhaps teaching, the clergy, and other professions while wearing the military uniform? Are there conflicts and challenges we find lurking there that demand more careful review and study?
As always, we also welcome submissions on other important ethical concerns in the field, above and beyond the chosen theme for the annual meeting, including, but not exclusive to: responsibility to protect, ethical indoctrination, gender integration, civil war, moral injuries, human performance enhancement, etc. All proposals should consist of a 1-page abstract (250 – 300 words) including the author’s rank, title, and military service or civilian affiliation, clearly outlining what the individual presentation or panel discussion will entail. In the case of a panel proposal, other members of the panel should be clearly indicated. All submissions should be sent via email by NLT 1 September 2016 to ISME’s program chair, Professor Richard Schoonhoven, U.S. Military Academy (West Point): [email protected]
Distinguished guests include:
Keynote address: "Cyberwarfare, the Hard Problems: Deterrence, Retaliation, Escalation and International Agreements" by Randall Dipert, University of Buffalo Emeritus
Panel Presentation: Report on the National Science Foundation project on Ethics in Cyber Warfare," chaired by Fritz Allhoff, Western Michigan University
Meeting Site: Doubletree Hilton/Crystal City (300 Army-Navy Drive, Arlington VA). We have a block of rooms reserved at below prevailing government rates for the dates of 25-27 January, starting at $149/night for double occupancy, The hotel meeting site is located conveniently between Reagan National airport, the Pentagon, and numerous federal work sites in Crystal City just across the Potomac from Washington DC. You may reserve a room until December 21, 2016 without advance charge at our special site: https://aws.passkey.com/g/65349323