Keynote Address: COL Gary A. Packard, Jr., USAFA. "How Should Service Academies and the Military Be Involved in Social Policy Debates? Lessons Learned from the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal"
Plenary Panel: "Ethical Conflicts in Military-Media Relations"
Michael Parkinson : Professor, College of Mass Communications, Texas Tech University Shannon Bowen : Associate Professor, S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University Kenneth Plowman : Associate Professor, Department of Communications, Brigham Young University Robert Pritchard : Instructor and Agency Adviser, Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma Maj Mark Swiatek : (Moderator) Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, USAFA John Schmeltzer : Engleman/Livermore Professor in Community Journalism, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma
Civil War Session
"Strategic Abrogation of Civil Rights: Toward an Ethics of Non-lethal Rights Infringement from 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' to Relocation and Censorship" by Jordy Rochelau,
"Just Espionage, Privacy, and Citizenship" by Jonathan Trerise
Craig V. VanSandt, "Penultimate Utopia: The Professional Military Ethic and Political Dissent from a Civilian's Perspective"
Civil-Military Relations Session
"'Mission Accomplished': Military/Civilian Relations after 9/11" by Pauline Kaurin
"Intersubjectivity in Civil-Military Relations and the Need for Recognition" by Emmanuel Goffi
Epistemic Considerations in Jus in Bello
"Evidence-Relative Wrongs and Liability to Be Killed in War" by Bradley J. Strawser
"Schizophrenia in Our Just War Thinking" by Danny Cazier
STOCKDALE SYMPOSIUM - "Reflections on the Stockdale Legacy" by Martin Cook
Thurs 26 January
Panel: Assessing the Lifeblood of the Civil-Military Relationship: Four Perspectives on Trust from the Army's Profession of Arms Campaign
"The Army Profession: Trust is First" by Charles D. Allen
"If Competence is a Moral Imperative, What is the State of the Army's Certifications of Its Professionals?" by Don Snider & Mark Fairbrother
"Re-Thinking the Culture Gap Thesis: How Military Service During Time of War May Be Creating a 'Greatest Generation' of Americans?" by Peter Jennings
"Virtuous Dupes: Is Character the Answer to Trust?" by Majors Chris Case and Bob Underwood
Jus ad BellumConsiderations
"JWT and Democritization by Force: Two Incompatible Agendas" by Cora Sol Goldstein
"In Search of the Good War: Just War and Realpolitik in Our Time by Thomas W. McShane
"Words Without Swords: Threat and Aggression" by Félix Blanc
The Chaplaincy
"Civilian Contractors: A New Direction for the Chaplaincy?" by Carlos Bertha
Kenneth R. Williams on Religious Liberty and DOD Policy
The Moral Equality of Combatants and Permissible Killing in War
"Sovereignty, the Social Contract, and the Moral Equality of Combatants" by Melissa Bergeron
"An Empirical Re-Framing of the Combatant Moral Equality Question" by Michael Skerker
"Permissible Killing in Common Defense? by Ian Fishback
The Military and the Media
"War Journalism: A Brief History and Analysis of Embedding" by Andy Bridges
"Military and the Media" by Jeffrey D. McCausland
Challenges to Civil-Military Relations
"The Military's Relationship with the People of the United States Is Failing: A Possible Explanation" by Oak DeBerg (To read, click here.)
"Duties, Distinctions, and the Dangers to Civil-Military Relations" by Nolen Gertz
Civil-Military Obligations
"The Covenant: What America Owes Its Warriors" by Rebecca J. Johnson
"A New Kind of Draft: Are We Obligating Civilian Support to the Army?" by Erin B. Lunday
David Whetham on the Wootton-Bassett Effect
Civil-Military Relations and the War in Afghanistan
"Civil-Multi-Military Relations Gone Awry" by James Cook
"Civil-Military Relations: How Public Opinion and the Political Decision-Making Process Affects Troops Dispatched to Afghanistan" by Peter Olsthoorn
Social Change and the Military
"The Canadian Forces and the Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships: A Study in Civilian-Military Relations and Social Issues" by Neil Parker
"Precursor to Progress: The Military's Influence on Social Change in the US" by Sara E. Ferry
Issues in Just War Theory
"The Incoherence of Walzer's Just War Theory" by Graham Parsons
"The Idea of Double Intention and In Bello Asymmetry" by Ned Dobos
"Reconsidering the Supreme Emergency Argument" by Stephen Coleman
New Challenges for the Just War Tradition
"The Ethics of Targeted Military Operations: The Case of Armed Humanitarian Intervention by NATO in Libya" by John Lango
"Non-State Actors as Legitimate Authorities in War" by Hadassa A. Noorda
"The Problem of Justifying the State's Use of Lethal Force in Hard Cases" by Shannon B. Ford
Non-Traditional Combatants
"A Rawlsian Approach to Women in Combat" by Mark N. Jensen
"Minuteman and Warrior: Ethics at the Intersection" by Mark Zelcer
Friday 27 January
Stockdale seminar on Ethics Instruction by James Cook